Tuesday, January 30, 2007

No public money without public involvement

"No public money without public involvement" - That's the clear message Wrexham's Plaid Cymru branch is sending to the new owners of Wrexham Football Club, who have refused to allow fans a say in the future of the club.

Neville Dickens and Geoff Moss had originally promised Wrexham Supporters' Trust a place on the board and shares in the club. Now they've gone back on that agreement and say they may sell the club to another wealthy businessman if the price is right.

It seems nothing has been learned from the dark days of Hamilton, who almost succeeded in wrecking our club. Had it not been for fans' opposition, he would have got away with his scheme to bulldoze the ground.

The new owners want to knock down the Kop to make space for apartment blocks. They then want millions of public money from the Assembly to finance a new stand on the Kop.

Plaid Cymru's Wrexham spokesman Siôn Aled Owen said: "The fans have kept Wrexham FC alive and it's a disgrace that the Trust, which has 1000 members, is not allowed to contribute more fully by having a place on the board and shares in the club.

"That's the only way we can be certain that there's close scrutiny of everything that goes on at the club. We've come through too much in the past couple of years to allow it all to be thrown away again.

"We don't believe public money should be forthcoming for such an important community asset without the involvement of the public. We call on the owners to re-think their negative attitude towards the fans."

Wrexham Supporters' Trust has consistently offered £250,000 from its funds to help the club buy new players if it can convert that money to a stake in the club. The ultimate aim of the trust, which Plaid supports, is to take control of the club for the wider benefit of the community.

Dim arian cyhoeddus heb lais i'r cyhoedd

Dyna neges eglur Plaid Cymru i berchnogion Clwb Pêl Droed Wrecsam, sydd wedi gwrthod llais i’r cefnogwyr ynghylch dyfodol y clwb.
Roedd Neville Dickens a Geoff Moss wedi addo lle ar y bwrdd i Ymddiriedolaeth Cefnogwyr Wrecsam a chyfranddaliadau yn y clwb. Nawr maen nhw wedi bradychu’r cytundeb hwnnw ac yn dweud y byddant yn gwerthu’r clwb i ?r busnes cefnog arall am y pris iawn.
Mae’n ymddangos na ddysgwyd dim ers dyddiau Hamilton, y bu ond y dim iddo lwyddo i ddistrywio’n clwb. Oni bai am wrthwynebiad y cefnogwyr, byddai wedi cael ei ffordd a chwalu’r Cae Ras.
Mae’r perchnogion newydd am gael gwared â’r Kop i wneud lle ar gyfer blociau o fflatiau. Yna maen nhw’n ceisio miliynau o bunnau o arian cyhoeddus oddi wrth y Cynulliad i dalu am eisteddle newydd ar y Kop.
Meddai llefarydd Plaid Cymru Wrecsam, Siôn Aled Owen: “Y cefnogwyr sydd wedi cadw CPD Wrecsam yn fyw ac mae’n warthus na chaniateir rôl fwy canolog i’r Ymddiriedolaeth, sydd â mil o aelodau, drwy gael lle ar y bwrdd â chyfranddaliadau yn y clwb.
“Dyna’r unig ffordd y gallwn sicrhau y cedwir llygad barcud ar bopeth sy’n digwydd yn y clwb. Dydyn ni ddim yn credu y dylid defnyddio arian cyhoeddus i wneud dim â rhywbeth sy’n ased mor bwysig i’r gymuned heb fod gan y cyhoedd lais yn hynny. Galwn ar y perchnogion i ailystyried eu hagwedd negyddol tuag at y cefnogwyr.”
Nod yr Ymddiriedolaeth yn y pen draw yw ennill rheolaeth ar y clwb er budd y gymuned ehangach. Mae Plaid yn cytuno’n llwyr.

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